Ikatan Pengamal Perubatan dan Kesihatan Muslim Malaysia (I-Medik) urges all Muslim physician in this country to observe closely the Oath of a Muslim Physcian in their daily clinical practice. The Oath has become the guiding principle and working etiquette to be adhered by a Muslim Physcian.
The Oath of a Muslim Physician indicates a clear signs the existence of the Creator of the universe and human beings, the ultimate Healer of any ailment and sufferings. Allah, the Al-Mighty is ever watching our intention in providing clinical services to the patients.
The Oath of a Muslim Physcian guides all Muslim Physicians to provide full dedication and commitment when discharging their duties to any patients regardless of their background, ethnicity, religion and belief.
In doing so, their clear intention to help patients and good advice, will distinguish them as a true Muslim Physician from others.
To inculcate a good value and healthy lifestyle to the patients is one of many roles expected by the physician. This includes promoting prevention measures related to any form danger and risk behaviour that would detrimental anyone health.
Treating patients is an act of ‘ibadah’ in Islam and a Muslim Physcian is rewarded for good deeds by Allah the All-Knowing.
As a reference, the Oath of a Muslim Physcian consists of the following details:
In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
Praise be to Allah, The Sustainer of His Creation, the All-Knowing
Glory be to Him, the Eternal, the All-Pervading
I serve non but Thee, and,as the Instrument of Thy Will, I commit myself to Thee.
I render this Oath in Thy Holy name and I undertake:
To be the instrument of Thy Will and Mercy, and, in all humbleness, to exercise justice, love and compassion;
To extend my of service to one and all, to the rich and the poor, to friend and foe alike, regardless of race, religion or colour;
To hold human life as precious and sacred, and to protect and honour it at all times and under all circumstances in accordance Thy Law;
To do my utmost to alleviate pain and misery, and to comfort and counsel human beings in sickness and anxiety;
To respect the confidence and guard the secrets of all my patients;
To maintain the dignity of health care, and to honour teachers, students and members of my profession;
To strive in pursuit of knowledge in Thy name for the benefit of mankind, and to uphold human honour and dignity;
To acquire the courage to admit my mistakes, mend my ways and to forgive the wrongs of others;
To be ever-conscious of my duty to Allah and His Messenger (saw) and to follow the percepts of Islam in private and in public;
O Allah grant me strength, patience and dedication to adhere to this Oath at all times
Subscribing to the Oath of a Muslim Physcian should rise no question to the commitment, dedication and treatment received by patients from Muslim Physicians.
Prof Dr Azmi bin Md Nor
Presiden of Ikatan Pengamal Prubatan dan Kesihatan Muslim Malaysia (Medik),
Dean of Kulliyyah of Medicine,
International Islamic University Malaysia IIUM